With summer turning to fall, our staff at CAFE had their eyes on the streets – it was time for another seasonal cleanup! Our staff are highly dedicated to ensuring that the places we call home – Corso Italia, Bloor West, Harbord Village, Broadview & Danforth, and CityPlace – are clean, pleasant and safe for all residents to enjoy.

Our cleanups took place on Saturday, September 30 – a bright, warm and sunny day. It was the perfect day for our team to go out and begin the hard work of making our streets better. Two teams of staff set out that day – the first from 1321 St Clair W located in Corso Italia, and the second from 104 Harbord St in Harbord Village later that afternoon.
Here at CAFE, we are passionate about giving back to our community. This is why several times a year, our staff and volunteers get together and conduct regular cleanup events in the neighbourhoods our dispensary stores are located in. We welcome community volunteers to help in our efforts as well, but if none make it out, our team of staff are more than happy to continue with the work themselves.

The team from 1321 St. Clair W set off along the main street, cleaning up litter and refuse from in front of neighbouring business fronts. They then tackled some of the side streets and alley ways before making it across St. Clair Ave to take care of the other side.

As our staff cleaned, countless passers-by stopped to greet them, and say thank you for the good work our team was doing. We are humbled that our efforts are well appreciated by others in our community.

Up next was our team at 104 Harbord Ave, who were excited and in high spirits for the day’s cleanup event. Dressed in bright orange to commemorate Truth and Reconciliation Day, our team was hard to miss as they worked to make our streets cleaner and safer.

The team from 104 Harbord started along Harbord Ave, and then worked to clean up side streets, the local park before heading to Spadina Ave where there was certainly a great deal more litter. Our staff were undeterred, removing all kinds of items from the street and in front of a construction zone.

We are so grateful for our inspiring, hard working staff and all their efforts during these cleanups. Thank you to all who were involved in making our communities cleaner and safer for all!