We’ve already spoken about session etiquette, but what does the social distancing edition of session etiquette look like?
We’ve previously written about session etiquette and why it’s so important, but what does the session look like in 2020? With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping across the globe and people being acutely aware of what they do, how they do it, and with whom they do it, is it time to take another look at session etiquette and what it means?
One of the most significant ways to reduce your chances of contracting COVID-19 is by staying away from other people and limiting all physical contact. Everywhere you look these days, people are talking about social distancing, but what effect does that have on the session etiquette?
In this article, we’re going to be taking a new look at social etiquette regarding sessions and give you some great tips about how to enjoy your sessions without the risk of contracting COVID-19 and spreading it to other people.

Precautions You Can Take Now
Unfortunately, COVID-19 looks like it’s going to be here for a while. COVID-19 can significantly impact the respiratory system, and some people have talked about quitting smoking cannabis altogether, but that could be a little drastic.
The good news is that there are some simple steps that you can take to ensure that you still enjoy your marijuana while keeping yourself as safe as possible. We know cannabis is meant to be a social activity enjoyed with friends, but unfortunately, we need to limit social interaction right now.
Below are a few steps that we can take to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases.
- Stop Sharing Bongs, Pipes, and Joints – While it’s great to have a session with friends, social distancing is critical, and sharing bongs, pipes, or joints should be off the table for now. Just because you live with someone, it’s no excuse to be sharing items that come into direct contact with each other’s mouths and saliva. You can’t avoid it with your partner, but you can limit your exposure to other people.
- Don’t Smoke When You’re Sick – If you’re already sick, inhaling hot smoke or vapor isn’t going to help in any way. The last thing that you want to do is weaken your immune system in any way in case you come in contact with someone who is sick. When you get sick, take a break until your immune system and health have time to recover.
- Time to Try Edibles – The COVID-19 illness plays havoc with not only your immune system but also your respiratory system. The last thing you want to do is weaken your lungs or respiratory in any way. Luckily, because of the versatility of cannabis, there are various delivery methods available for you to choose from. Edibles are a great option if you still want to enjoy cannabis but are trying to avoid smoking or vaping.

The Solo Session Is Back
In a social distancing world, the solo session is where it’s at for cannabis smokers around the world. What’s the best way to reduce your chances of getting sick from other people? Don’t be around other people. Unfortunately, whether we like it or not, having a big session with a group of your friends just isn’t going to fly at the moment.
We know we all miss our friends and those epic all-night sessions, but unfortunately, passing around a joint or pipe from person to person is just asking for someone to get sick. Below are five tips for enjoying a good solo session while also social distancing.
- Sanitize your equipment – Regardless of the last time you shared a bong or pipe with a friend, sanitizing your equipment is always a good idea and one that should be done regularly regardless of whether or not you’re sharing them with friends. There are a few simple ways that you can sanitize your equipment. You can either place glass or metal components into a pot of boiling water for several minutes. Another easy way is to soak them in isopropyl alcohol or wipe them down. Make sure that you rinse them afterward and allow them to dry if you use isopropyl alcohol.
- Distance doesn’t mean that you can’t still hang out – Just because we are supposed to be social distancing and avoiding friends, it doesn’t mean that we can’t still all hang out. All you need to have a good session with your friends is an internet connection and a video chat application. Pick a time when you can all hang out online together and create yourself a virtual session. Maintaining relationships with friends and family, even while isolating, is an essential part of keeping yourself mentally healthy.
- It’s the delivery time! – One of the best things you can do to avoid going out and contracting anything is to order your favorite weed or cannabis products online. Depending on where you live in the world, various businesses offer cannabis delivery straight to your door.
- Never forget the munchies – A crucial part of any good session is the snacks you have in hand. If you don’t have enough snacks, you’re going to be stuck at home with a rumbling tummy, and you’ll end up having to go out and get something to eat. The good news is you have a few options. The first thing to do is to ensure that you have your house stocked up with your favorite types of snacks. Another great option is the food delivery services. You can order almost anything online these days from poutine, nachos, burgers, subs, wings, and just about anything else that will satisfy those late-night cravings you may have after a great session.
- Don’t forget to stay active – Unless you’ve been told that you need to isolate, there are still many opportunities to get outside and stay active. There are some uniquely beautiful walks and locations that you can get out and enjoy while taking part in your favorite cannabis products. Remember, don’t smoke and drive and plan your trips accordingly.

Social Distancing Session Etiquette Conclusion
We know it sucks not being able to enjoy a session with your friends just because of the COVID-19 situation, but unfortunately, we all have to do our bit to stop the spread of this deadly virus. Countries are going into lockdown around the world, and people are self-isolating, but even while still enjoying cannabis, we can all do our part to slow the spread.
As we mentioned above, the cannabis culture is focused a lot on community and sharing what you have with your friends. Enjoying cannabis as part of a group and passing a pipe or joint around has been a foundation of marijuana worldwide for hundreds of years. Unfortunately, we all need to take a step back right now and reevaluate how we enjoy cannabis.
Hopefully, with the tips we have mentioned above, you’ll still be able to enjoy cannabis while keeping yourself, your friends, and also your family safe. If you have any great tips for people trying to sesh during the COVID-19 pandemic, we’d love to hear them!