In the cannabis world, it is extremely important that operators have all the information available on the products they carry, in order to best serve their clientele. Here at CAFE, we take responsible use very seriously, and pride ourselves on our vast product knowledge. We ensure that only the best products make it to our shelves, and we subject each and every one to extensive testing for quality control and consistency. We also hold regular product knowledge sessions where our budtenders get to learn about our product, interact with vendors, have discussions and share feedback. This article focuses on our recent session by Wesley Tea, where staff got to meet the brand representatives and learn more about what goes into each and every bag of Wesley Tea.

What Goes into a Wesley Tea?
Wesley Tea makes a tea for every kind of day. Each tea is made with hand-selected, organic ingredients and blended with premium cannabis for the best user experience. Teas are available with and without caffeine, and users can select from high or low dose varieties. Our staff were pleasantly surprised to learn about the selection process for ingredients in Wesley Teas – rather than being sourced in bulk, this brand actually only uses local, organically grown ingredients which they hand select from trusted vendors. At the session, we were able to see the actual ingredients that go into Wesley Tea bags – orange peel, goji berries, jasmine buds, ginger, cinnamon and much more. Each flavor of Wesley Tea is made with a unique combination of these quality ingredients, which contribute to the flavor profile and pleasant taste our customers have come to love.

To help our staff better understand how Wesley Teas are put together, this session offered a chance for everyone to build their own tea. Ingredients were set out on a wide table, and session participants were able to come up, select the ingredients that appealed to them and make their own tea blend. Our staff had a lot of fun creating unique concoctions based on their own tastes!

Once the ingredients were assembled into the tea bag, participants were able to add their cannabis infusion of choice – premium THC, CBD or 1:1 cannabis extract in an organic capsule for easy dosing.

Unique Tea Blends for Every Kind of Activity
Wesley Teas are fun, invigorating and carefully crafted to bring users the best experience day-to-day. Each blend of tea is designed for different daily activities, giving consumers the ability to choose a tea that best suits their needs and schedule on a given day. Euphoric blends contain THC, and are designed to give the user a little boost or mellow them out at the end of the day – based on the dosage and type of tea selected. For example, one would choose Green Activitea for daytime, and Nightea Night to help them sleep. Their Sativa infusions are designed for those who like the benefits of cannabis, but don’t want to experience sedative effects.

Balancing blends are for those who want to experience the best of both worlds. These teas are made with a 1:1 blend of THC and CBD. Users get to feel the euphoria associated with THC, while also getting some of the relaxing effects from the CBD in the blend. 1:1 blends can also offer some benefits to those suffering from headaches or menstrual cramps – the Sparkle Vitalitea is a great option in this case.

For those not looking for the euphoric effects of THC, yet need CBD for relaxation or pain management, Wesley Tea offers a line of CBD teas. These teas do not contain any THC, so they are safe to use at any time of the day – users do not need to worry about “getting high”. These teas have their own unique benefits – they are an excellent choice for those experiencing joint and muscle pain, menstrual cramps, inflammation or even anxiety. CBD does tend to promote sleep in higher doses, so for those that need a little help getting to sleep, we recommend the 1200mg CBD infusion by Wesley Tea. This versatile product is highly concentrated, flavourless and can be added to any drink or even food item using the dropper provided. The dropper has measurements on it indicating how much will be consumed in a given drop, allowing users to manage their dosage with precision.
The Value of Product Knowledge

We find that our staff love attending our product knowledge sessions. Every participant is eager to learn, and happy to be able to converse directly with brand representatives. These sessions facilitate important conversations and help our staff communicate feedback about products, either based on their own experiences or information relayed by our CAFE customers. These sessions help maintain an open dialogue between brands and indirectly – the end consumer – through conversations focused on always improving products and tailoring them better for the needs of everyday people. CAFE is proud of our commitment to excellence, and also of our highly dedicated staff who constantly seek knowledge in order to better serve our customers. Our product knowledge sessions are an innovative way for us to build better relationships between our brands, staff and consumers, and to always facilitate the growth and betterment of every product on our shelves.