The summer has gotten off to a busy start for us here at CAFE! In addition to the work we do in our five dispensary locations, we are big on cannabis tourism and events focused around weed in Toronto! We regularly host cannabis-centric events like our Smokes & Jokes comedy nights, Puff & Paint art sessions and our SENSES infused dinner series. Aside from our own events, we love to participate in other events in our city that highlight cannabis. In late May, we were invited to take part in WNDRLND art space – a wonderful, art based interactive event that featured cannabis and psychadelics as well.

The event was part art-show, part social space and provided an interactive experience for show attendees. In keeping with the Wonderland theme, the night featured artworks that depicted Alice, the Mad Hatter, the Cheshire Cat and other characters from the famed Lewis Carroll story. Signed artwork by Disney illustrator Don Peters was up for auction, and other paintings were available for purchase. The show also featured large, psychedelic murals that seemed to pull the viewer into an entirely different world.

Show attendees were able to chat with artists and learn about the inspiration behind their works. From our CAFE booth, we were able to enjoy the art show and also have many conversations with people about cannabis, their favourite products and how cannabis works to inspire creativity. There were booths that specialized in psychadelics as well – which certainly seemed fitting to the theme of this event.

WNDRLND took place over Friday and Saturday and received a lot of visitors, who delighted in the immersive audio and visual experience in the space. Aside from the art on display, the lights were dim and warm coloured, and local musicians and DJs created an ambient atmosphere.

We loved being a part of WNDLRND art space! Cannabis has long been said to aid creativity, and we can certainly draw a connection between a euphoric, heightened state of mind and the trippy, psychedelic artwork that made up the experience. Events such as WNDRLND are a great way for members of the cannabis community to engage with others, experience local arts and culture and form positive associations. We look forward to the next event!